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Update a single parameter in a parameter set


# S3 method for class 'parameters'
update(object, ...)



A parameter set.


One or more unquoted named values separated by commas. The names should correspond to the id values in the parameter set. The values should be parameter objects or NA values.


The modified parameter set.


params <- list(lambda = penalty(), alpha = mixture(), `rand forest` = mtry())
pset <- parameters(params)
#> Collection of 3 parameters for tuning
#>   identifier    type    object
#>       lambda penalty nparam[+]
#>        alpha mixture nparam[+]
#>  rand forest    mtry nparam[?]
#> Parameters needing finalization:
#> # Randomly Selected Predictors ('rand forest')
#> See `?dials::finalize()` or `?dials::update.parameters()` for more
#> information.

update(pset, `rand forest` = finalize(mtry(), mtcars), alpha = mixture(c(.1, .2)))
#> Collection of 3 parameters for tuning
#>   identifier    type    object
#>       lambda penalty nparam[+]
#>        alpha mixture nparam[+]
#>  rand forest    mtry nparam[+]